Entrance Improvements
We are continuing to work with the City of Broken Arrow who has promised to improve both entrances to our neighborhood.
Unfortunately, the City has been promising to make these improvements for years. They have designed major changes to the entrance onto 81st Street with the leveling of the hill on 81st Street to improve the line of sight for folks approaching on 81st Street as well as those exiting our neighborhood. Secondly, the entrance onto Oneta road is to have the retention walls on either side of Gordon reconfigured into a “V” shape rather than the “T” shape to allow a wider range of vision from 81st onto Gordon and the reverse. Brent Watson and Josh Hayes are communicating with the City requesting that the City execute on these improvements. Improvement of the 81st Street entrance was first promised in 2014. We will likely be attending a BA City Council meeting shortly if the City does not begin making these improvements.